Old caucasian couple kissing each other while toasting champagne glasses celebrating new year party. Loving husband and wife kissing each other while partying with white wine glasses in hands

Episode 116: New Year Habits – Part 2

Jan 5, 2023

We have all tried New Year’s Resolutions that didn’t last long.  Instead of resolutions, try adding simple new habits.  We hope you can take one, two, or just a few of these simple habits and make them a part of your New Year.  Our hope for you is that this coming year is better than this past year.

Here are just a handful of the things that we'll discuss:

  • Get healthy, good breakfast, drink more water, sleep 7-8 hours a night
  • Be proud of yourself, reflects on your good qualities and your strengths
  • Plan! Your next day’s goals & outfit, monthly goals, and daily to do’s
  • Think in solutions, not problems


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